About Redeemer
Welcoming and valuing each member, Redeemer embraces a connected community that shares fellowship with God and each other.
As a family in Christ, his grace and love guide us on our spiritual paths. Our arms are outstretched to anyone who would like to join us on this path.
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:5
We open our doors to everyone and invite you to visit and worship with us Sunday mornings at 9:00.
You can also join us at home by watching the livestreamed service.
Redeemer’s four year strategic plan
our core values

generous hearts
Serving our neighbors needs by sharing our resources, time and gifts from God.

joyful worship
Celebrating God through word,
sacraments, and music

growing faith
Opportunities for all ages to learn and explore faith in Christ, focusing on children and youth.

caring community
Coming together in mutual support, love and fellowship with one another.
Quick Overview of Redeemer Programs
Redeemer offers opportunities for faith growth for young people in all developmental stages: Pre-K through Elementary (Sunday School and Special Milestones), Junior High (Confirmation, Sunday School, and Confirmation Camp), and High School (Youth Group, Special Outings, and Annual Mission Trip).
Over the past year a Strategic Planning Team has been focusing on long-term goals of 1) reaching out into the local neighborhood, 2) strengthening connections within Redeemer to build up our common life, and 3) creating new opportunities for adults to grow in their faith. You may read the whole report HERE. (Link to Strategic Planning report)
Existing ministries to our greater QC community include building with Habitat for Humanity, providing Food Baskets (four times per year), providing Christmas gifts for Angel Tree, serving monthly meals at Café on Vine, and hosting blood drives twice a year.
As a vibrant congregation inspired to share Christ’s love through service, Redeemer Lutheran welcomes you to be a part of what God is doing in this place!