Kids (Preschool-6th Grade)


On Sunday mornings from September through May, we begin Sunday School in the Sanctuary at 10:15 a.m. with Sunday School Choir, which uses upbeat music!  Then, from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m., the preschool through 6th graders explore their faith in the Sunday School area. 

Then, we use our curiosity to explore and ask questions about the Christian faith. Through interactive lessons and hands-on activities, we can discover what our faith means to us as individuals and a community.

Each lesson focuses on understanding the importance of service, acceptance, and love in our daily lives.


VBS Registration is open! Sign up today!

VBS is a four-day event that occurs in the morning and ends with a Family Celebration that Thursday night at the church to share with our loved ones what we have learned! Then we meet again in August for Day 5 of VBS and with lots of water games! During VBS we dive into the theme, exploring well the Christian faith Jesus’ teachings and discover how we can serve and help others in our community. This program is open to kids going into kindergarten through going into 6th grade.  The soon to be 6th graders, are treated as “VBS Helpers” in training!


Make sure to come back to this section to stay up to date on upcoming special events! Remember to always bring a friend or lots of friends to join in on the fun. This a time for families to be who they are, while surrounded by love and acceptance!