Redeemer’s Team


Lead Pastor


How I came to work at Redeemer
I arrived at Redeemer Lutheran Church in September of 2019 having spent the previous ten years in rural Iowa, and eight prior years as a university campus pastor in Salt Lake City, Utah. During the call process I was attracted to Redeemer by what I saw was honest intellectual curiosity about the gospel and deep-seated concern for the well-being of those on the margins. To me these make a powerful combination, one which shapes our life together as we both challenge and encourage one another in areas of worship, service, and learning. Because of this dynamic life at Redeemer never gets dull. There is always a growing edge of faith to explore!

Favorite Bible Verse
John 16:13: “When the Spirit of truth comes, she will guide you into all the truth.”

My Family
I spent Christmas in July, 1990 in the kitchen at Holden Village trimming a side of pork and making small talk with Annie Graham. Two years to the day we said our vows in Renton, Washington and together have been trying to figure out life ever since. Helping us in that quest are our two adult children, Samuel and Rebekah, who are both public school educators and continue to teach us new things on a near daily basis.

What Else I Do
On the occasional Monday you may find me trying to fill gaps in my education either with a book in hand or watching classic cinema. Annie and I also enjoy driving trips whenever possible, last year to the northern coast of Oregon.

Lauren McKittrick



How I came to work at Redeemer
I have been a lifelong resident of the Quad Cities and a member of Redeemer Lutheran since 2003. I am a graduate of Scott Community College and have previously worked in retail. When this position to be Redeemer’s office coordinator opened up, I saw it as an opportunity from God and a chance for a change that would better put my degree and skills to use.

Favorite Bible Verse
Proverbs 31:25
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come”

More Fun Info
I am a big music fan. I love to cook, being outdoors, and spending time with my husband and family.

Karen VanDeWostine

Coordinator of Music & Worship


How I came to work at Redeemer
While Donna Hager was our full-time music coordinator and director, I filled in when she was out of town. When Donna Hager retired after many years at Redeemer, I stepped in to fill that role until we found a replacement. I really enjoy playing the organ and piano at church and planning worship services, but was enjoying sitting in the pew after many years on the organ bench. When Pastor Joel asked if I would step into the role as Music Coordinator, I prayed to God to guide me to make the right decision and I soon accepted the position. I coordinate the music for our worship services and play the organ or piano with the assistance of others on the worship and music team.

Favorite Bible Verse
Psalm 23

My Family
I am blessed to have been married to my husband, Denny, for over forty years. We have two grown children, Heather and Logan, who were both confirmed at Redeemer and Logan was baptized and married at Redeemer. I have a granddaughter, Charlotte, and a grandson, Jack, who I enjoy spending as much time as possible with.   

What Else I Do
In addition, to music at church, I enjoy golfing, bike riding and spending time with my family and friends. I recently retired allowing me to enjoy my hobbies and family even more.

Shannon Coon

Youth & Christian Education Director


How I came to work at Redeemer
I have a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education K-12 from Concordia University of Chicago and my Master’s in Early Childhood Education from the University of North Dakota. My family and I moved to Bettendorf in 2016 and became members of Redeemer in the summer of 2018.  I live with my husband and our three daughters.

I feel that my work at Redeemer is a calling from God.  I want to create a space that is welcoming to all and programs that are full of love and acceptance for everyone. Through these endeavors I can do what I enjoy the most, being able to work with children and the youth! My goal is to create an environment that allows these individuals and their families to grow into the people that God has created them to be.

Favorite Bible Verse
Romans 15:7
“Therefore accept each other just as Christ has accepted you for that God will be given glory.” 

More Fun Info
My favorite things include being with my family and playing games together. Also, I played college soccer for two years at Concordia University.  I am big Pittsburg Steelers fan, and I enjoy going to concerts. Music is very important to me, and I am BIG fan of The Office TV show. Lastly, I love being outside and going for hikes.