The following are ministries and committees that volunteers staff as part of keeping the church standing strong and sustainable well into the future. Each ministry is always in need of new passionate volunteers eager to enrich the ministry with their gifts.
Property Committee: This committee, as its name implies, is concerned with the maintenance of the church property for its intended functional use. It is made up of a group of members at large from the congregation. Some of the duties performed include:
- organizing the annual Spring & Fall clean-up days,
- lawn mowing, snow removal from the walks surrounding the building & property
- the purchase & maintenance of the equipment used to perform these duties
- repairs (structural or otherwise) made that don’t require the assistance of professional sources
- and the assistance to others or groups (i.e. removal or disposal of unwanted rodents or pests) within the church needing attention.
Electrical maintenance (such as lights, furnace, air conditioning and ventilation) are also “big” responsibilities. Many other duties and tasks too numerous to mention, are performed as well. Members of the congregation also can volunteer for the two scheduled clean-up days. Members interested in volunteering on the committee are always welcome. No special talents required.
Altar Guild: This ministry prepares for Communion Sundays, decorate at Christmas, removes Christmas decorations. We have approximately two meetings a year, one to prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas and one to prepare for Easter. It is a fun group that is dedicated to making sure the Sacrament of communion runs smoothly and the church is festive both in spirit and looks for the celebration of the coming of the Christ child during Advent.
The Worship & Music Committee: This committee makes recommendations and decisions about the nature of the music that enhances worship at Redeemer Lutheran Church. Unlike many churches, Redeemer does not adhere to one style of worship each week. Rather, it varies the style from week to week, among traditional, contemporary and other worship settings. The music is intended to enhance the character of the worship setting – including the liturgical music within the setting, choir selections, bell choir performance and hymns sung by the entire congregation.
We also bring in guest musicians as a way of allowing their gifts to be shared at church and keeping our commitment to diversity in worship music.
Finance and Stewardship Committee: This committee meets monthly to review the financial status of Redeemer and recommends actions to the Church council. Other functions of this committee include: conducting the Stewardship campaign and compilation and review of the budget. The church treasurer and the financial secretary are standing members of this committee.
Mutual Ministry Committee: This committee meets semi-annually or on an as-needed basis. They are responsible for the overall on-going evaluation of the ministry of the church. The committee has the responsibility for facilitating counseling assistance on an as-needed basis for the staff. The committee conducts a review of the staff and compensation and makes budget recommendations to the church council.
Redeemer Quilters: This group of ladies meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 9:30AM in the Adult Education room. No experience is necessary, just a desire to learn to quilt. Quilts are sent to the local homeless shelter and other needs that arise both nationally and globally.
Evangelism Committee: This committee focuses on opportunities to reach out into the community and become visible and make sure our messages and communication are consistent and support our values and mission. It includes diverse activities like website, brochures, parade and even improvements in how we welcome new members into the church. New volunteers always welcome.
Christian Education Committee: Four to eight members with the Christian Ed Directory coordinates selection and delivery of Christian Education curricula and activities that support and bring to reality the vision of Redeemer’s Christian Ed and Youth programs:
Ministries of excellence that inspire and equip Redeemer children and youth to live a life led by Jesus Christ.
They develop ways to deepen our commitment to developing a solid faith foundation for our children which include guest speakers, creating new programs for service and leadership, creation of Sunday School milestones and activities that support the involvement of the family in faith formation.
Sunday school is taught each Sunday from Rally Day in September through the last Sunday before Memorial Day weekend. The committee also coordinates volunteers for directorship and leaders for Vacation Bible School in the summer. Current programs include: Marty’s Kids (grades 3-6): meets every Wednesday during the school year; it is a precursor to confirmation and its agenda strives to help the children experience living a life led by Jesus Christ through fun activities.
Youth Committee: Four to six members with the Youth Director coordinates selection and delivery of the Youth Strategic Plan which supports and brings to reality the vision of Redeemer’s Christian Ed and Youth programs:
Ministries of excellence that inspire and equip Redeemer children and youth to live a life led by Jesus Christ.
The Youth Strategic Plan is a comprehensive vision for the priorities of Redeemer’s Youth program in order to ensure success in these diverse, challenging times for junior and senior high youth. This was created off of the church’s strategic plan and is now being implemented with input from the youth as to what it needs to look like.
Monthly Activities: both junior and senior high groups meet separately, nearly monthly during the school year for fun, God-centered activities that encourage spiritual growth, as well as, friendships.
Confirmation Activities (grades 7 & 8): meets several times a month throughout the year; its agenda again focuses on activities that encourage the children to get to know God and each other but also plants the seed of service to the church and community.
Mission Trip: every year a mission trip is planned with the intent of developing a sense of service and discipleship to carry into their adult lives.
Additional Events: following closely the youth strategic plan, additional opportunities in leadership and faith are encouraged for youth throughout the year. Leadership Lab at Augustana is a week-long adventure in faith leadership skill development and experimentation of what works and what doesn’t. Youth Quake takes place early in January in Des Moines over a weekend for a retreat-like experience geared specifically to youth.