Visit Redeemer
Sunday 9:00 – 10:00 am in sanctuary & live stream
Sunday School 10:30 am (ages 2 – adult)
Wednesday evening 6:45 – 7:15 pm
Redeemer Lutheran Church (ELCA) gathers in an attractive brick building on the corner of Tanglefoot Lane and Utica Ridge Road in Bettendorf. Parking is abundant with handicap spaces located near the entrance of the fully accessible church. Upon entering, you will find the worship area straight ahead; several coat racks and restrooms are located to the right of the narthex. Our friendly greeters and ushers will warmly welcome you, provide you with a bulletin, assist with any questions, help you find a seat, and offer any additional assistance you may need to ensure your comfort.
Will I Be Able to Follow the Service?
Upon entering the church, grab a bulletin where you will find everything you need to follow the service. Large print bulletins are also provided. In addition, the service is projected on a large screen within the sanctuary for the congregation’s convenience.
By Christ’s invitation, Redeemer welcomes you to partake in Holy Communion where we join with each other and Christ, acknowledging God’s forgiveness, mercy and love. Children who receive Communion in their home congregation may also join us in Holy Communion. Young ones who do not partake in Communion are encouraged to come forward with folded hands to receive a blessing.
Communion at the Altar rail:
- Following the sermon and offering, ushers will guide each row to join the line in the center aisle.
- When the previous group departs the altar rail, step forward and kneel at the railing in front of the church at the altar.
- If you wish, choose gluten free wafers instead of bread by crossing your arms across your chest and the pastor will provide you the gluten free wafer with tongs.
- The pastor will hand you bread, stating, “The body of Christ, given for you.”
- Then, the communion assistant will provide a tray with wine, saying, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” Another assistant will collect your empty cup in a basket.
- Once you’ve returned your cup, you may rise and return to your seat via the side aisle.
Communion in the Pew:
- Or, if you wish to take Communion in the pew, pick up a communion packaged wafer & wine cup from the table in the narthex before entering the sanctuary.
- The pastor will instruct you to remove the plastic cover to access the wafer and say, “The body of Christ, given for you”. Then the pastor will instruct you to remove the foil cover on the cup to expose the wine and will say “The blood of Christ, shed for you”.
- Place your used cup in the basket which will be passed around the sanctuary by the ushers.
- Also, if you wish to take Communion but are unable to walk to the altar area, please tell an usher and the pastor will bring the bread and wine to where you are seated.
Redeemer Lutheran Church fosters a family-oriented environment encouraging everyone to participate in services. On most Sundays, children are invited to come forward and engage with a brief children’s sermon tailored just for them.
Conveniently located on coat trees just outside the sanctuary, we also offer “busy bags” for the kids. Keep an eye out for these colorful bags filled with crayons, coloring books, reading materials, and more, designed to keep your little ones entertained and engaged during the service.
A nursery is optional as we welcome all family members to join in our worship service. For those in need of a changing table or a bit of privacy, we have a nursery and a family restroom with a changing table next to the Sanctuary. If you need directions the ushers in the narthex will gladly assist. In the nursery you will find a monitor sharing the service live so you can continue to follow the service if you and a child desire some quiet time.